Leather Tannery Apprenticeships
The Leathersellers’ Foundation offers grants of £5,000 – £10,000 per annum for up to three years to support the training and education of aspiring workers in the leather industry through apprenticeships. We provide these opportunities to sustain vital skills in and contribute to excellence in the tanning (leather) industry in the UK.
Who can apply?
Applications for a grant to support a Leatherworking Apprenticeship should come from the organisation/master who will be training the apprentice. This could be an application to create a new apprenticeship that has not existed before, or for an existing apprentice programme.
To be eligible you must meet these criteria:
- the organisation is a UK-based business (registered with Companies House)
- this additional funding would allow an educational/training opportunity for an apprentice that would otherwise not exist (the employer who cannot access these funds from alternative schemes including those provided by the government)
- the apprenticeship will provide training and experience for the apprentice, allowing time for learning as well as working
- the apprentice will be aged 18 or over (no upper age limit) and be living and working permanently in the UK
- the apprentice will be paid at at least minimum wage (dependent on age) though we would hope some companies were able to provide the Living Wage to their apprentices, or at least reach that point in a staged way over the course of the apprenticeship (£12 per hour)

What do we fund?
We offer grants of between £5,000 – £10,000 per annum, for a maximum of a three-year apprenticeship. This should contribute towards the business’ costs of training the apprentice (where possible to gain recognised qualifications) or the apprentice’s salary.
We want to support excellence in British leatherworking, so we are looking for apprentices to be people planning to utilise their skills and stay in the UK to contribute to the leather industry.
How to apply
We ask for all applications to be submitted via our online form available here.
To assist you in preparing your responses you are also able to download a word version here, but only applications submitted online will be considered.
Applications have now closed for 2024.
Terms of the Grant
Please note that should you be successful in receiving this funding, you will be required to report annually to the Leathersellers against the goals stated in your application. Multi-year funding is paid annually dependent on receipt of a satisfactory report. The Trustees of the Foundation have the discretion to discontinue the award if circumstances require.
Unsure of your eligibility or have any other questions? Please contact Natalia and the Grants team at charityapp@leathersellers.co.uk